Join the committee
Why do we have a committee?
To run any business successfully there are numerous decisions that need to be made on a regular basis. As the club is owned by the members, it would be impossible to involve all members on every decision that needs to be made. The role of the committee is to make these decisions on behalf of the members with the clubs interest in mind.
What would I have to do as part of the committee and what are the benefits?
The committee meets once a month along with the treasurer, trustees, chairperson, and secretary to review the clubs financial position and consider any decisions that need to be made regarding the running of the club. In the event a unanimous decision can’t be reached, each committee member will have the opportunity to cast a vote. As a member of the committee, we would expect you to attend the majority of these meetings (we understand that sometimes other commitments may mean you need to miss the odd 1 or 2).
The committee is run voluntarily. There is no financial benefit but it’s a great way to become more involved in securing the future of the club we all love. Its also a great way to meet new people and build and develop new skills that look great on a CV!
Anything above this that you can do to help support the club would also be greatly appreciated but not mandatory. For example, one of our current committee members uses her professional skills and expertise to run our social media pages and oversee the marketing of events. This is done in her free time and has meant we’ve not needed to pay someone to do this for us.
What next?
If you’d like to join the committee, please add your name to the form posted on the notice board in the club entrance, along with your membership number, by Saturday 27 July, 2024. You’ll also need another member to propose you. (Both you and the proposer must be active members in your own right.)
The committee can consist of up to 8 members. If more than 8 people want to join the committee, a vote will be cast at the AGM by the members. You may be asked to say a few words at the AGM to demonstrate why you want to be voted on (we know public speaking is not for everyone so feel free to prepare a few words to be read out on your behalf.) The more you can offer as a member of the committee, the more likely you’ll be voted for by members.
If you’re undecided whether the committee is for you, please leave your contact details with one of the bar staff who’ll ask a committee member, the chairperson, or the secretary to get in touch with you. Alternatively, if you see us in the club, come and have a chat.
Finally, you don’t need to join the committee to help support the running of the club. If there are ways in which you’d like to help please let us know.